Important Dates
Conference ended August 17, 2023
The Conference has ended!!
Thank you for attending!!
Deadline for submission of your revised paper to the special issue of Nuclear Science and Engineering M&C 2023 has been extended to December 15!!
Click here for more information.
Conference Background
The International Conference on Mathematics and Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science and Engineering (M&C 2023) is part of a series of topical meetings organized by the Mathematics and Computation Division of the American Nuclear Society. M&C conferences, held every two years, represent a series of international forums organized and sponsored to bring together worldwide expertise related to nuclear science or technology including mathematical and computational methods, numerical analysis, computer codes, computer architectures, and benchmarks for computationally solving problems in all disciplines encompassed by the Society.
Areas of Application (Not exhaustive)
- Reactor Operation and Safety
- Subcritical Systems
- Radiation Protection and Shielding
- Non-proliferation and Safeguards
- Advanced Reactors and Fusion Energy Systems
- Nuclear Fuel and Fuel Cycles
- Refurbishment and Commissioning Simulations
Technical Tracks/Technical Session Topics
- Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
- Deterministic Transport Methods and Applications
- Monte Carlo Methods and Applications
- Time-Dependent and Radiative Transfer Methods
- High-Performance Computing
- Computer Codes, Modelling and Simulation
- Multi-Scale, Multi-physics Simulations
- Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Computational Methods for Thermalhydraulics
- Computational Materials Science and Fuel Technology
- Simulation for Small Modular Reactors and GEN-IV Reactors
- Modelling and Simulations in High-Energy-Density Physics and Plasma Physics
- Sensitivity Analysis and Uncertainty Qualification
- Verification and Validation
- Nuclear Data and Nuclear Data Evaluations
- Mathematics and Computation relevant to:
- Reactor Operation and Safety
- Subcritical Systems
- Radiation Protection and Shielding
- Non-proliferation and Safeguards
- Advanced Reactors and Fusion Energy Systems
- Nuclear Fuel and Fuel Cycles
- Refurbishment and Commissioning Simulations
- Additional special sessions related to M&C:
- Special session on EU-McSAFER project
Special Issue of NSE
The Editor of NSE (Nuclear Science and Engineering) has kindly offered to create a special issue of the journal dedicated to the conference. Authors of accepted M&C 2023 papers (including those presented as posters) are invited to submit their work to be considered for publication in this special issue. Details can be found here.